The role of IT personnel in healthcare organizations is rapidly evolving due to the impact of technology. Instead of operating behind the scenes, CIOs are increasingly taking on a more visible role, explaining how new technologies will impact operations and how to proactively address upcoming mandates and advancements. By staying ahead of the curve, they […]
EMR Consulting News and Insights
Author Archives: Larry Hodge
Plenty of changes have occurred over the past few years that affect your role as CIO and how you lead your healthcare company’s IT department: some because of COVID; others because of increasingly more sophisticated hackers; and still others because of rapidly advancing technologies. No matter what challenges you face and opportunities you encounter, be […]
Demand for healthcare workers and for IT professionals are both significantly increasing, much faster than the average for overall occupations. Looking at healthcare employment, this is expected to grow by 13 percent from 2021-2031, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS); looking at IT occupations, openings are expected to grow by 15 percent over […]
The COVID-19 virus has put a strain on what we once considered ordinary life: from supply chains to how we interact in schools and other public places. The pandemic has also put significant pressure on where people go when they are hit with an illness: our healthcare systems. In August 2022, the Kaiser Family Foundation […]
Blockchain technology can offer numerous benefits, we discussed several of these benefits in a recent article. As a recap, blockchain use in healthcare can: Provide a complete, single source of accurate medical patient records Allow for direct access to validated services by insurers Be confirmed directly by patients with no intermediary Save time and money […]
According to Mordor Intelligence, there has been a “dramatic increase” in electronic health record (EHR) platform adoption during the pandemic. Several countries, they report, embraced these systems “to a notable extent” to provide information about their infection status. This adoption rate is significant—and the report provides information about continuing momentum. The EHR market is expected […]
When the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, healthcare organizations needed to respond in ways to help keep people safe during their medical appointments—with telehealth serving as a key element of the response. Patients embraced this option, a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) report from December 2021 revealed a “63-fold increase” in telehealth usage. According […]
On July 7, 2022, Caris Life Sciences announced a partnership with Epic Systems to enhance the ability of oncologists to access molecular testing for their patients. Molecular profile services added include whole exome and whole transcriptome sequencing for blood and tissue samples—making Caris the first Epic partner with these capabilities. This partnership provides these services […]
Healthcare organizations sit on top of a mountain of available patient data records. Of course, this raw data is useless on its own but, when analyzed properly, it can be turned into actionable information that can help better diagnose and manage illness, research new treatments, and even prevent disease. In today’s ever-changing world, leading providers […]
There are strict privacy rules when it comes to patient information, and you need to ensure your information technology (IT) department is following the rules about protecting confidential information. IT professionals focused on making hardware and software work may not be fully aware of their obligations for maintaining the security that is essential in a […]