EMR consultants play a valuable role by filling in staffing gaps at healthcare organizations and providing them with experts with desirable niche specialties that the in-house staff may not have. Besides choosing the right number of consultants with the required specialties, it’s also important to select the right type of placement. Here, we’ll explore short-term, […]
EMR Consulting News and Insights
Epic upgrades are crucial to have the latest in electronic health record (EHR) functionality, to maintain consistent regulatory compliance and enhanced security, and to provide better patient care. Here, we’ll share how Epic consultants can optimize software upgrades to help your healthcare organization succeed. What Are Epic Upgrades? Why Are They So Important? This term […]
Medical staff can become quite frustrated when their healthcare organization’s electronic health record (EHR) systems are too time-consuming and/or don’t dovetail with workflows. This situation can all too easily lead to clinician burnout and even to medical staff leaving the profession altogether. More specifically, the following seven EHR design issues have been closely correlated to […]
Epic electronic health records (EHR) software is quite robust and customizable. This means that there are plenty of components in the application that must be seamlessly implemented, optimized, and integrated into your healthcare organization’s technology. Here are five key ways that quality Epic consulting firms like HealthTECH Resources can help get the right people in […]
It’s well known that physicians and other healthcare professionals have felt frustrated by the amount of time they’ve spent navigating electronic health record (EHR) workflows, as well as the concerns healthcare organizations have for this time usage. In 2020, a study by the Annals of Internal Medicine quantified this time. With 155,000 nonsurgical/ambulatory practice physicians […]
Even after having an EHR system successfully in place for a while, the EHR company will continually roll out software updates. This means that to continue to take advantage of the best, most modern version of your EHR technology available, you’ll need to regularly schedule EHR upgrades of your system: perhaps every year or two. […]
When planning for an EHR implementation, a change management strategy will need to be factored in. This strategy should allow you to systematically transition from your current system and status to one that optimally leverages your new EHR system. At a high level, this will involve analyzing your healthcare facility’s present situation; identifying areas where […]
An electronic health records (EHR) system is not only meant to be a database for patient information, but its purpose is to also streamline and improve your healthcare organization’s processes and outcomes. Optimizing and customizing EHR workflows requires the identification of pain points and any unique requirements for a specific organization. Then, step by step, […]
In November 2021, Epic Hyperdrive was released for initial testing. Then, in May 2022, an update provided access to this application for most users, and some healthcare organizations began their Epic migration from Hyperspace at that time. If you haven’t yet done so, then your organization has until November 2023 to move to Epic Hyperdrive. […]
According to the Kaufman Hall National Hospital Flash Report in September 2022, U.S. hospitals are still operating “substantially” below pre-pandemic levels—calling the first nine months of 2022 an “extremely challenging year characterized by dramatic fluctuations in margins.” Year-to-date margins using the Kaufman Hall Operating Margin Index were -0.3% through August; this demonstrated “continued losses hospitals […]