With the increased need for better efficiency in hospitals, more and more providers are now opting for Electronic Medical Records (EHRs) in place of paper-based records. While implementing these digital systems is now a state requirement and provides several performance and revenue benefits for the organization itself, many hospitals are still reluctant to adopt these digital systems.

This is primarily because the implementation system is time-consuming and costly, and even leads to temporarily lowered organizational performance because of the unavoidable need to train the medical staff to use the new system. There are several other hurdles in the implementation process that are making many resist EHRs and EHRs – even compromising on the substantial interoperability benefits that they provide.

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We Offer Support For These EHR Software Applications

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Learn More About Epic Consulting

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Learn More About MEDITECH Consulting

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Learn More About Allscripts/Altera Consulting

Learn More About NextGen Consulting


Our mission is to drive excellence in healthcare through tailored IT consulting solutions.

Top Challenges That Hinder EHR Adoption

Cost of EHR Implementation

Implementing an EHR is nowhere near the same for all hospitals since resources can vary greatly. This is where cost comes into play; hospitals with smaller investment budgets can often not afford to spend on a system they may see as experimental. This is not only because the system itself is costly, but also because the implementation and the data transition requires expenditure. Since the hospital staff will have a new task – that is, implementing an entirely new system – the patient volume may also be lowered, which means lower profits and potential losses.

Technical Requirements

Every step of implementing an EHR requires technology. This means hospitals have to take care of additional technological requirements, like an uninterrupted internet connection. If this is not done, EHRs cannot store or share data. This becomes a problem for hospitals situated in rural areas that do not have access to strong internet networks.

Another unavoidable technical requirement is data migration, which is quite tedious manual work. Providers and staff have to move all existing paper-based data into the digital system and have to be careful about potential errors and ensure secure data handling. The process is often made easier with adept EHRs like Epic, which provides 24/7 technical support and improvements.

Clinical Culture

Implementing an EHR is not just a technological challenge. It can also be troubling for the hospital staff since an entirely new system challenges the current system – which may have been in place for decades – and the way that things are done. The change itself is not technical but a cultural one, and it can be tough to ensure smooth and uniform implementation and adoption across a large hospital. A top notch Healthcare IT Consulting team with experience helping ease staff into this new culture eases this transition.

Training and Leadership

With a new system, healthcare IT personnel and hospital managers are inevitably required to train their employees to understand and manage the new workflow. This means spending on training resources. This is essential because the benefits of a digital system won’t come about unless the workflow is understood and tested. Fortunately, the process is made easier by EHR providers like Epic; the best companies provide certification courses, peer-to-peer training, and other resources to help hospital staff become confident owners of the digital system. It is also essential to take into account that not everyone will be on board; hospital staff, and even some patients may object to the new system. The process naturally tests leadership ability, since successful implementation and learning needs unified team motivation and unwavering engagement.

Workflow Disruption

A successful EHR Implementation is a large-scale process than can take several weeks or even months to become fully functional. This naturally means that the implementation team will be overburdened and there may be a temporary lack of efficiency in providing care. Patient volume may be lowered, which automatically leads to lower revenue. While this can be avoided, providers are usually afraid of the potential dip the hospital will face before the improvement that a digitized record-keeping system brings.

Clinician Burnout

Healthcare IT Consultants are necessary to ease the transition from Paper to electronic health record implementation, Healthtech Resources, Inc., Healthcare IT, Phoenix, AZ.It is highly likely for the EHR implementation team to suffer from change fatigue. What makes this worse is that the benefits that the staff expects rarely ever come immediately. Interoperability, which is often the most exciting benefit of EHRs, does not come easy. The real work on it often is impossible to begin until the EHR implementation is entirely done. This, coupled with working under pressure, can easily cause low motivation and lead to clinician burnout.

Security Threats

Technological systems have their benefits, but they also come with their share of threats. With digital data, breaches and cyber theft securities often concern providers. While there are effective ways to secure medical data, the problem is partly habitual and cultural; hospital staff generally feel secure when they know their data is physically protected in a place with classified access. They may feel more vulnerable when the data is online, which causes reluctance in adopting EHRs.

Solutions to EHR Implementation Challenges

EHR implementation challenges are indeed real, but they are not unsolvable. With healthcare IT consultants from HealthTech Resources, understanding, determination, and work, hospitals can successfully transition to digital systems.

Treat EHR implementation as a large-scale operation

It is important to be prepared for the process. Remember that it requires a full-fledged plan, assigned roles, backup plans, and top-notch leadership.

Don’t miss learning and research opportunities

Providers should use their medical connections to do their research before going ahead with EHR implementation. A great idea is to visit those who have gone through the process, talk to them about their challenges, evaluate the results, and make decisions for your own hospital accordingly.

Take care of the clinical staff

Since the team can easily fall victim to fatigue and low motivation, leaders need to take care of them. Make investments in the wellness of your employees, set small milestones in the process and celebrate them, and reward the hardworking members for their efforts.

Keep patient care the top-most priority

It is important to remember that EHR implementation is eventually going to provide convenience to patients as well as streamline care. Since that is the primary goal of any medical facility, there should ideally be no option other than successfully getting through the process.

Choose the right EHR

With diverse and robust competition, there are several great EHRs available. Providers must carry out adequate research, analyze their needs, evaluate available options, and then choose the right EHR Software to make sure the hospital needs are effectively served.

Work together with the Healthcare IT team

Remember that you and the EHR implementation team are on the same side and have the same goals. Top EHR consultants work side by side with hospitals to implement the system safely, on time, within budget, and with ideal usability.

While there are inevitable challenges that come with implementing EHR in a hospital, clinicians must remain positive and strive to build acceptance for a better change. There is no denying that digital systems are better in the long-run and will help medical facility provide better patient care, attain large patient volumes, and enjoy maximized profitability.

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EHR/EMR Implementation Page FAQs

What is EHR/EMR implementation, and how can it benefit my healthcare facility?

The implementation of an EHR/EMR (Electronic Health Record/Electronic Medical Record) system is an integral step in which your healthcare organization integrates a digital record-keeping solution into your existing technological framework. This complex process not only involves the selection of a suitable new system, but also the creation of a comprehensive plan for its implementation, integration, and optimization, along with relevant training initiatives and more. A well-implemented EHR/EMR system can significantly enhance your organization’s efficiency, streamline operations, and enable healthcare professionals to concentrate their efforts on delivering superior patient care. Ultimately, a proficiently integrated EHR/EMR system can act as a catalyst for your organization’s progress, by saving you time and money.

Moreover, an additional, significant benefit is in the potential for data analytics. The vast quantities of structured patient data collected and stored within these systems can be analyzed to derive invaluable insights. These insights can guide decision-making, improve diagnosis accuracy, identify patterns in disease spread, and aid in predictive healthcare. This not only enhances patient outcomes but also contributes to the broader understanding of public health trends, ensuring that your organization stays at the forefront of medical innovation. As such, the incorporation of an EHR/EMR system does more than streamline your operations; it positions your organization as a data-driven pioneer in advancing healthcare standards.

What are the key considerations when planning an EHR/EMR implementation project?

To begin, establish a budget that will guide your selection of an EHR software. This software should ideally align with your budgetary limits while effectively addressing your healthcare organization’s specific needs. Engage with end users across all levels of your organization to understand the shortcomings of the current system (which will soon be superseded). Seek their suggestions on how to enhance workflows and make processes more fluid.

Next, devise a targeted training program tailored to the needs of each type of end user. If the chosen software includes a patient portal, consider strategies to educate patients about its usage effectively.

Finally, give due thought to data cleansing and migration, establishing rollout priorities and procedures, and creating comprehensive process documentation manuals, among other crucial elements. In this manner, you can ensure a smooth transition to the new EHR system, maximizing its utility and minimizing disruptions.

How can an EHR/EMR consulting firm help with the implementation process?

A dependable EHR consulting firm like HealthTECH Resources can offer robust EHR implementation support from start to finish, working within desired timelines and budget. Our professional network comprises not only project management specialists but also experts with niche skills tailored to each crucial stage of a successful implementation.

To discuss the specific EHR implementation support your healthcare organization requires, we invite you to reach out to us. Please feel free to connect with us online or give us a call at (602) 903-7961. We look forward to facilitating your EHR integration journey.

How long does it typically take to implement an EHR/EMR system, and what factors can affect the timeline?

The duration of an EHR/EMR system implementation can be influenced by several factors. These include the size of your healthcare organization and the manner in which you intend to execute the implementation — whether you choose to deploy it all at once, or in geographically-defined phases, or even by specific medical specialties. On average, the entire process of EMR implementation, from planning to full operation, spans approximately one to one and a half years. Please note, however, that this is a general estimate, and actual timelines may vary based on the unique circumstances and needs of your organization.

What are some common challenges that healthcare facilities face during EHR/EMR implementation?

Healthcare facilities often grapple with several challenges during the course of EHR/EMR implementation. These typically include managing organizational change effectively, ensuring thorough data cleansing and migration, and providing appropriate training, among other tasks.

Furthermore, it is crucial to comprehensively examine the capabilities of the new system in relation to the requirements of each type of end user. The system should be optimized in a way that it harmoniously aligns with existing workflows, enhancing efficiency and cost-effectiveness. This balance between functionality and user need is key to the success of any EHR/EMR implementation, and can pose a significant challenge if not handled with sufficient foresight and planning.

How can an EHR/EMR consulting firm help address them?

A proficient consulting firm possesses experts who offer specialized EHR implementation support at every stage of the process. This is precisely where HealthTECH Resources can provide immense value, leveraging our extensive experience of over two decades, a diverse and expansive professional network, and meticulously developed best practices.

To explore how we can cater to your specific needs for EHR implementation support, we encourage you to connect with us. You can reach out to us online or call us directly at (602) 903-7961. We are here to guide you through your EHR journey.