meditech ehr consulting

Supporting Growing Hospital Systems Through
Mission Driven MEDITECH Support for Over 25 Years

Our MEDITECH EHR Consultants Get Results

HealthTECH Resources is a leading provider of MEDITECH EMR implementation, training, optimization, and support experts. Our professionals have the knowledge and tools to provide you with excellent recruits while also bringing your existing staff up to speed with the new system. Our training ensures that all staff members are able to operate at their fullest potential so your organization can make the most out of your new MEDITECH system. To talk about your need for EHR consultants with deep experience with this software application, please contact us online or call (602) 903-7961.

View our complete list of supported modules

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Our mission is to drive excellence in healthcare through tailored IT consulting solutions.

MEDITECH Implementation & Training Services: Boutique-Style Fulfillment

Our boutique approach allows us to provide personalized service to healthcare facilities, both large and small, augmenting their staff ultra efficiently. As one of the top healthcare IT consultant providers in the country today, we focus on helping your facilities expedite your project from start to finish. The experienced professionals in our network can help you to plan, implement, optimize, go live with MEDITECH and much more.

It isn’t unusual for healthcare facilities who are disappointed with other staff augmentation providers to turn to HealthTECH for a solution that really works. These facilities appreciate our:

  • Network of top talent
  • Accelerated rate of fulfillment
  • Unrelenting focus on quality
  • Deep industry knowledge
  • Ultra-efficient proprietary processes
  • Ability to cut through red tape
  • Can-do problem-solving attitude
  • Proven track record of excellence

Our network contains a broad range of MEDITECH consultants experienced in these modules with job titles and abilities including analysts, application coordinators, instructional designers, project managers, program managers, directors and much more.

HealthTECH Resources provides organizations like yours with flexibility in how to hire, with options including consultants, contractor-to-hire professionals, and/or permanent placements with a wide range of niches and specialties.


  • Expanse Acute EHR: Expanse Acute EHR is designed to support healthcare organizations in managing patient information, clinical workflows, and administrative processes efficiently. It offers a range of features and functionalities, including electronic documentation, clinical decision support, order management, medication management, patient portal, and interoperability capabilities.
  • Expanse Ambulatory EHR: Expanse Ambulatory EHR provides healthcare providers with tools and features to efficiently manage patient encounters, medical records, and clinical workflows outside of the hospital setting. It includes functionalities such as electronic documentation, e-prescribing, appointment scheduling, billing and coding support, and interoperability capabilities to facilitate communication and data exchange with other healthcare providers and systems.
  • Expanse Ambulatory PM (Practice Management): Designed to support the administrative and financial aspects of ambulatory care practices. Expanse Ambulatory PM features appointment scheduling, patient registration, insurance verification, billing, claims processing, and reporting.
  • Expanse Patient Accounting: Designed to manage the financial aspects of healthcare organizations, particularly in relation to patient billing and accounts receivable management. Features include:
    • Billing Management: Allows providers to generate and manage patient bills for services rendered. This includes capturing charges, applying appropriate billing codes (such as CPT codes for procedures), and generating invoices.
    • Claims Processing: Streamlines the process of submitting insurance claims to payers. Electronic claims submission and tracking, as well as managing denials and resubmissions.
    • Accounts Receivable Management: Tracks payments received from patients and insurance companies, manages outstanding balances, and facilitates follow-up on unpaid claims or balances.
    • Financial Reporting: Generates financial reports related to billing, accounts receivable, revenue, and other key financial metrics.

MEDITECH Expanse encompasses a wide range of applications tailored to various aspects of healthcare delivery and management. Some of the key applications within the Expanse platform include:

Clinical Decision Support:

Offers real-time clinical decision support to assist healthcare providers in making informed decisions at the point of care, incorporating evidence-based guidelines and alerts.

Physician and Nursing Documentation:

Streamlines the documentation process for physicians and nurses, allowing them to efficiently record patient assessments, treatments, and interventions within the EHR.

Patient Portal:

Enables patients to access their health records, communicate with healthcare providers, schedule appointments, and manage prescriptions through a secure online portal.

Order Management:

Facilitates the electronic ordering of medications, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and other services, enhancing efficiency and accuracy while reducing errors.

Revenue Cycle Management:

Manages billing, claims processing, and revenue cycle optimization to ensure timely and accurate reimbursement for healthcare services provided..

Telehealth and Remote Monitoring:

Integrates telehealth capabilities and remote monitoring solutions to enable virtual consultations, remote patient monitoring, and telemedicine services.

Pharmacy Management:

Supports medication management processes, including prescribing, dispensing, administration, and medication reconciliation, within a unified pharmacy management system.

Population Health Management:

Analyzes data to identify trends, monitor population health outcomes, and implement strategies for improving the health of patient populations.

Clinical Analytics and Reporting:

Provides robust analytics and reporting tools to analyze clinical data, track performance metrics, and support quality improvement initiatives.

MEDITECH READY Implementation

MEDITECH READY Applications are a suite of pre-configured, standardized modules within the MEDITECH Expanse EHR system designed to streamline the implementation process for healthcare organizations. These applications incorporate best practices and predefined settings to ensure a more efficient deployment and quicker adoption of the EHR system. READY incorporates standardized best practices, phased implementation, comprehensive training, change management strategies, customization, and ongoing support. The process is divided into distinct stages, including planning, design, build, training, testing, and go-live, to ensure a smooth and efficient transition.

Key aspects of MEDITECH READY Applications include:

  • Pre-Configured Templates: These applications come with pre-built templates that cover various clinical and administrative workflows, reducing the need for extensive customization and allowing for faster setup.
  • Standardized Best Practices: The configurations are based on industry best practices and MEDITECH’s extensive experience, ensuring that the applications are optimized for effective use in diverse healthcare settings.
  • Integrated Modules: The READY Applications include a range of integrated modules that cover different areas of healthcare operations, such as clinical documentation, order management, patient scheduling, billing, and more. This integration ensures seamless data flow and cohesive functionality across the system.
  • Role-Based Customization: While the applications are pre-configured, they still allow for role-based customization to meet the specific needs of various user groups within the organization, such as physicians, nurses, and administrative staff.
  • Enhanced Interoperability: Facilitates easier data exchange and integration with external healthcare systems and partners.
  • Accelerated Implementation: By leveraging these pre-configured applications, healthcare organizations can significantly reduce the time and resources required for EHR implementation, leading to quicker go-live timelines and faster realization of benefits.
  • Ongoing Support and Updates: MEDITECH provides ongoing support and regular updates for READY Applications, ensuring that they remain current with the latest healthcare regulations, standards, and technological advancements.

MEDITECH MaaS Level 1 & 2

MEDITECH MaaS (MEDITECH as a Service) is a cloud-based subscription model for the MEDITECH Expanse Electronic Health Record (EHR) system. This service is designed to provide healthcare organizations with a scalable, secure, and cost-effective EHR solution.

MaaS Level 1

  • Implementation and Hosting: Level 1 includes the complete implementation and hosting of the MEDITECH Expanse EHR on Google Cloud Platform, ensuring strong security and scalability.
  • Core EHR Functions: It offers crucial EHR functionalities including clinical, administrative, and financial applications. This encompasses clinical decision support, interoperability features, and a single, unified patient record.
  • Lower Capital Costs: By eliminating upfront capital expenses, Level 1 allows organizations to reduce costs related to procuring, hosting, and maintaining an enterprise-level EHR system.
  • Support and Maintenance: The subscription includes comprehensive support and maintenance services, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care rather than IT management.

MaaS Level 2

  • Advanced Tools and Features: Level 2 builds on the offerings of Level 1 by including advanced tools such as genomics, telehealth integration, and enhanced mobility features that support real-time data access and patient engagement via mobile devices.
  • Enhanced Customization and Interoperability: This level provides greater customization options and more robust interoperability, enabling seamless data exchange and coordination across different healthcare providers and systems.
  • Third-Party Integrations: It includes a broader range of third-party integrations for specialized needs, enhancing the overall functionality of the Expanse EHR.


As a highly robust, flexible application, MEDITECH can be customized to match your facilities’ workflows. Therefore, your in-house teams will need interactive training that’s targeted to their specific roles so that physicians can learn how to streamline their functions, insurance experts can facilitate theirs, and so forth.

We rapidly fulfill requests for MEDITECH training professions who can create and present engaging training sessions in a way that prepares your team to seamlessly navigate the application and its customized configurations. Then, once the application is implemented, integrated, and optimized, your team can use it with confidence—and your facilities will benefit, cost-wise, as the maximum efficiency is achieved.

Process documentation is also crucial and HealthTECH has MEDITECH consultants with technical writing expertise who can create workstation manuals and more as part of the MEDITECH EMR training process.

MEDITECH Consultants

When you reach out to us for MEDITECH consulting, we provide access to professionals with a broad spectrum of specialties—and, the more information you provide us, the more laser targeted our staff augmentation recommendations will be. So, consider what:

  • Tasks and goals you envision for each EHR consultant
  • Niche parts of the process they will help to augment
  • Deep knowledge will be required

For example, you may be looking for EHR consultants who specialize in:

  • MEDITECH EHR implementation
  • Module builds, such as with PCM/Physicians’ Desktop/P-Doc, RD/RW – Report Designer/Report Writer, and LSS/MPM – Medical Practice Management
  • MEDITECH go-live cutovers

HealthTECH can augment your staff with short-term consultants to permanent hires for projects of all lengths and complexities.

MEDITECH Implementation

For this part of the process, you can calculate how much staff you’ll need for your EHR implementation by reviewing in-house staff and their specialties; their current workload; and how much time the MEDITECH implementation would require from each. Determine what skills gaps exist and be careful not to overload any members of your in-house team with too many implementation responsibilities. You can then see how much staff augmentation you’ll require and in what niche areas.

The goal is to strategically right-size your human resources talent. If you have questions about how to do that, please contact the experts at HealthTECH. This is our specialty!

Once you’ve organized and optimized your human resources, you can then confidently move forward on your MEDITECH implementation. Our EHR consultants will be on hand to help you create goals and timelines, and tasks and deadlines within your project’s budget and scope.

MEDITECH Optimization

Go beyond baseline EHR implementation to maximize the benefits of this robust application through MEDITECH optimization. We’ll provide top-notch, knowledgeable professionals who can optimize this highly-flexible software so that it’s customized to your organization’s workflows and processes.

Experts from our network can right-pace your software’s implementation and optimization, as well, preventing the process from getting bogged down and adding unnecessary expense to the project. They can also help to prevent the project from moving too quickly. By proceeding at an optimally balanced pace to maximize effectiveness and efficiency, you’ll be confident that crucial steps aren’t being skipped.

Our experienced professionals are adept at creating workarounds when challenges arise while also guiding companies around pitfalls. The result? An optimized application that benefits your healthcare facilities, your in-house physicians and other staff, and your patients.

MEDITECH Go-Live Services

As the MEDITECH go-live day approaches, your team will be busy with their punch list, ensuring that the application has been fully implemented and optimized. Items on that list will likely include the following:

  • Key stakeholders in diverse roles will be asked for input before the system cuts over.
  • IT will thoroughly test the application setup to ensure that all is in place for optimal usage.
  • MEDITECH training sessions will be completed for all user groups.
  • Configurations will be double-checked to ensure they all work as planned.
  • Any remaining change management issues will be handled.

Once all items are confidently checked off the list, the official go-live cutover can take place with the integrated MEDITECH solution now enhancing facility capabilities from financial to clinical.


An EHR/EMR migration can be complex and can include these tasks:

  • Assessment of current IT systems to understand baseline capabilities
  • Exploration of MEDITECH and how it will enhance operations
  • Creation of a migration plan
  • Analysis of in-house staff and what’s needed for a strategic augmentation
  • MEDITECH implementation and integration
  • MEDITECH optimization, go-live switchovers, and training

As an example of the first bullet point, some facilities may still be using paper records that need to be part of an EMR implementation and digital transformation. Other times, a facility is ready for a migration to a fully robust EMR system. When it comes down to it, every facility has unique challenges and opportunities and needs clean, non-duplicated data for maximum integrity.

Decision trees for data migration, as another example, can include determining which data will not be included during the MEDITECH migration; this could include patient billing balances. Another decision: what data is ready to be archived because of inactivity. Each decision must be handled with care for the optimal integrity of medical records going forward in the new system.

We support these MEDITECH modules:

Financial Applications

  • AP – Accounts Payable
  • B/AR – Billing Accounts Receivable
  • BF – Budget & Forecasting
  • ESS – Executive Support
  • PP – Payroll & Personnel
  • HR – Human Resource
  • LSS/MPM – Medical Practice Management
  • CA – Cost-Accounting
  • FA – Fixed Assets
  • GL – General Ledger
  • MM – Materials Management

Administrative Applications

  • ADM – Admissions
  • CWS – Community Wide Scheduling
  • ABS – Abstracting
  • QM/RM – Quality & Risk Management
  • SCA – Scanning and Archiving
  • ARM – Authorization & Referral Management
  • SS – Staffing and Scheduling
  • MRI – Medical Records

Continuing-Care Applications

  • LTC – Long Term Care
  • BH – Behavioral Health

Operational and Decision Support Applications

  • DR – Data Repository
  • CMS – Corporate Management Software
  • MIS – MIS
  • NMI – Non-MEDITECH Interfaces
  • NPR – Report Writer/Report Designer/NPR
  • RD/RW – Report Designer/Report Writer

Clinical Applications

  • PCM/Physicians’ Desktop/P-Doc
  • BBK – Blood Bank
  • LAB – Laboratory
  • MIC – Microbiology
  • PTH – Pathology
  • OE/POM/OM – Order Entry/Physician Order Management/Order Management
  • PCI/PCS/NUR – Patient Care Inquiry/Patient Care System/Nursing
  • PHA – Pharmacy
  • RAD – Radiology
  • BMV – Bedside Medication Verification
  • DPT – Departmental
  • EDM – Emergency Dept
  • ORM – Operating Room Management
  • ITS – Imaging & Therapeutic Services
  • AOM/RXM – Ambulatory Order Management
  • NMI – Non-MEDITECH Interfaces
  • EMR – Enterprise Medical Record
  • ONC – Oncology
  • LSS/MPM – Medical Practice Management
  • Patient Portal

HealthTECH For Your MEDITECH Staff Augmentation Services

When you need to augment staff in the highly specialized niche of healthcare IT/EMR/EHR services, HealthTECH is the experienced choice. Our company has 20+ years of deep industry experience in this niche and you will benefit greatly from our:

  • Extensive professional networks
  • Accelerated staff augmentation processes
  • Fast and reliable service
  • Unsurpassed quality

We have the most knowledgeable EMR/EHR recruiting team in the country with the ability to fill healthcare IT staff gaps in a highly personalized way.

As demand for our staffing services continues to grow, our company has experienced unprecedented growth. To ensure that we keep filling staffing needs at an accelerated pace, we’ve expanded our specialized recruiting functions and our overall operations while streamlining our processes for fast fulfillment. We’ve also expanded our network of top-notch MEDITECH consultants to continue to deliver world-class IT healthcare services.

View our complete list of supported modules

CIO or IT Director Needing MEDITECH Consulting Support?

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What is MEDITECH software? What are its benefits?

MEDITECH is an electronic health record (EHR) system in use by healthcare professionals at hospitals of a wide range of sizes. Features and benefits include a HIPAA-compliant patient charting system where physicians and other healthcare providers can review a patient’s health history, lab results, vitals, prescription information, and other important information.

Clinical panels can be customized for optimal usage, for example, caregivers can have the ability to select pieces of patient information to view within a single screen, which includes the patient’s current status. Healthcare professionals can also choose to only see information that’s relevant to their unique specialties. To enhance how seamlessly MEDITECH operates with other applications, continuity of care documents (CCDs) list key information about a patient’s hospital stay and these can be electronically transmitted outside of the healthcare system.

MEDITECH believes that healthcare systems should not be limited by their legacy solutions (especially since the advent of COVID and all of the healthcare challenges that it presents), so they have intensified their focus on cloud-based solutions through MEDITECH as a Service (MaaS). This is a scalable, subscription-based solution that streamlines EHR implementation in the cloud and subscription programs allow for the secure use of Google Cloud Platform and similar systems to host patient data. Overall, the cloud enhances the security, power, and affordability of your EHR system.

MEDITECH cloud-based solutions include the following:

  • Expanse Patient Connect: This allows hospitals to proactively communicate with patients through remote visits via a choice of methods: phone Virtual Care, text, or email.
  • Expanse NOW: This facilitates the coordination of care among providers and allows for uninterrupted access to patient information, even during unplanned downtime. This is available through MEDITECH’s mobile app, High Availability SnapShot.
What are the benefits of EHR systems, overall?

EHR and EMR are often discussed interchangeably. Both allow healthcare organizations to maintain digital patient health records. Here’s a comparison of these two different types of systems:

  • Electronic medical records (EMR): This is a simpler system with records that resemble a traditional patient chart and their medical history—with these records now digital through an EMR implementation. Single medical practices will likely still find value in them.
  • Electronic health records (EHR): This is a much more robust technology, one that goes well beyond an EMR in two key ways. First, there is much more information that can be included, such as imaging reports, lab data, insurance information, data forwarded from wellness devices and more. Next, medical providers can share this data in real time, even outside of the healthcare system, and they can benefit from decision making tools.

An EHR implementation, then, transforms the ability of professional caregivers to enhance the coordination of care; to improve patient outcomes; and to save time and money for medical facilities. Plus, patients can change medical providers and still have access to their complete medical records.

How can we get started with using your MEDITECH consultant services?

Just fill out our online form or call HealthTECH Resources at (602) 903-7961. You can let us know more about your staffing needs and timelines and we’ll fill in staffing gaps through our second-to-none network. The result: you’ll benefit from just the right MEDITECH consultants.

How can I become part of your MEDITECH consultant network?

We make it quick and easy, offering three different methods:

  1. Find open positions here. You can read more detailed descriptions by clicking on the professional positions you qualify for and then apply by clicking on the orange “Apply For Job” button. It’s that easy to submit your application.
  2. Submit your resume.
  3. Apply for open positions through LinkedIn.

Use whichever method is easiest for you. We’re always looking for qualified professionals to add to our network of EHR consultants and we appreciate your interest.