Digital Health Disruptions

The pandemic has accelerated developing health technology trends.

The CDC reported that during the first quarter of 2020, telehealth visits increased by 50% compared with the same period in 2019. Visits increased 154% in March compared with the same period in 2019.


Health Apps

"58% of smartphone users downloaded one of the 47,140 health apps available. 41% downloaded more than five apps."

Online Pharmacy


"There are an estimated 32,500  online pharmacies worldwide  selling prescription medications.  96% are operating illegally." 

Wearable Technology

"The number of connected wearable devices worldwide is expected to grow to over 1.1 billion in 2022."

Wearable Tech Devices

Fitness trackers Smart watches ECG monitors Blood pressure monitors Biosensors

Did you know?

Security and Communication

Wearable Tech



HIPAA’s extensive privacy regulations don’t yet apply to this new industry."

"You are contributing health information to a centralized database maintained by the wearable maker.

What can you do?

As a consumer, use these resources to keep yourself healthy. COVID-19 is exhausting hospital budgets across the U.S.

Bottom line

As the pandemic has accelerated these technology trends, it has also depleted  hospital budgets.  Budgets that include important expenditures for updating IT software for Electronic Health Records information affecting the information accessible for your healthcare. 

Story Resources:, White Paper funded by The Alliance for Safe Online Pharmacies Foundation,,,

HealthTECH provides top-notch healthcare IT and consulting solutions to hospitals and insurers across the U.S. and Canada.